donny nguyen.
donny nguyen.
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Freehand Cover

Here’s some fun news. Helen Birch got in contact with me a while ago about including some of my drawings in a book she was putting together. Well, the book comes out in September.

Can you spot my stuff?


Freehand Preview 2


Here’s Rotovision’s preview of it:

decided to put more prints up on society6 here. please enjoy.

yin yang santi jamie annie


apparently it was too easy to mix santi white’s old moniker, santogold, with some other dude’s oh so famous pseudonym of santo gold. an artist with probably one of last year’s best albums vs. some jeweler / filmmaker (infomercials!) that no one has heard of? uh huh. whatever her reasons, white decided to change her stage name to santigold. when i got into her stuff last year, her style reminded me of m.i.a. and lo and behold they toured together. that would’ve been a pretty dope bill. anyway, her album is ace and most probably has something for everyone. photo from flickr, i believe. felt tip pen in moleskine, 9″ x 10″.